Hello there! xx

I have a obession with vintage videos and commercials, whether they funny, bad, unbelievable or just plain stunning.

Here are a few in case you didn’t know they exist on YouTube.

Which one is your favorite?

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  1. dapperdolly

    Lol awesome selection for historical and hobbyist interests. I can’t possibly choose a fave, they’re all amazing in their own way and strangely fascinating to watch with a ‘eek, this is crazy’ feeling.

    Omg at the Max Factor commercial!

    The 1940’s make up tutorial one (second video) – no words… didn’t say something that she had to wear an apron whilst applying all the stuff, ouch.

    It’s so funny (and sad) how contrived the 1930’s makeup and skincare guide is, she wakes up with a full face of make up and that stretch, pretends to take it all off, only to have a full face again when she gets out of the bath and puts more on.

    Ok, actually I think the Liz Taylor one is my fave for being the funniest imo. I love the way she already had eye liner on and then so quickly and easily added the rest in the sultry heavy look but then covered it all up with sunglasses! Then to top it off practice ‘the look’ ha classic!

    Thanks for posting, those are quite educational…

    • Sandylashxx

      hahahah I absolutely loved your comments and agree with you hey. you actually entertained me more than the post. good on you.

      you think wearing an apron is wack? in beauty school we were told to disinfect the clients feet before a makeup application! does that make sense?

      hahaha yes, Liz was already dollied up.. that would be my kinda tutorial! xx

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